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Personality disorders

Understanding Chronic Emotional States and Unconscious Behavior through Chinese Medicine

Worry, anxiety, resentment and fear are draining. We all feel this. Physiologically the emotions create internal heat and consume the blood of the body. Many of us are literally “bleeding ourselves to death” through our emotions. To some of us, our emotional dispositions are so...

Acupuncture, Mental Health & the Internal Teacher

The acupuncture channels act like an internal teachers. As an acupuncturist, not only do I work with the channels to adjust and strengthen the body’s physiology. I also stimulate the channels to excite and awaken “the internal teacher” within my patients. I attended a class over...

Latent Trauma Affecting the Joints, Muscles & Mental Health: Acupuncture Wisdom

Trauma can leave its remnants throughout the body and mind. For example, physical trauma due to injury, if it fails to fully heal can result in periodic rheumatism (joint pain). Emotional trauma that fails to fully heal can also leave remnants. Such remnants can periodically...

Dispelling the Hungry Ghosts: Treatment of Trauma & Obsessive Compulsive Disorders with Acupuncture & Herbs

Chinese medicine has two major approaches: acupuncture, which is a form of direct bodywork and herbal medicine where external plant medicine is consumed, usually in the form of a tea or as pills. Both approaches have their own healing strategies and ways of viewing the...

Ancient Acupuncture Wisdom for Treating Mental Illness: Strategies From the Imperial Medical Academy

I’ve written several case studies and “think pieces” on acupuncture treatment of mental health. In the midst of my ongoing series of articles exploring acupuncture's Luo “Connecting Vessels,” which I consider vital to the resolution of trauma and its manifestations, I’d like to explore treatment...