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Acupuncture as Preventative Medicine: Adjusting to Change

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that’s the most adaptable to change.” Charles Darwin. Chinese Medicine places strong focus on the theme of change and its effect on the human body and...

Common Signs Your Body is Accumulating Toxins: Simple Acupuncture Wisdom

A major focus in holistic medical systems like acupuncture is disease prevention. It’s clear why this is so important. None of us want to get sick. Also, conditions are much easier to treat before they manifest into a full-blown crisis. In Chinese Medical practice there are...

Coming Apart: Re-establishing Strength, Integrity and Cohesion with Acupuncture

Much of what I see in my acupuncture clinic are people “coming apart.” To an acupuncturist this means losing access to our energy, vitality and internal resources. Not because of lack, but due to inability to access them. We become scattered. Our acupuncture channels which...

Detox and the Return to Innocence: Clearing Toxins with Acupuncture

There's a common term in acupuncture treatment: “the healing crisis." This is a rather dramatic name for a common, often mild occurrence. This “crisis” is a “detox period” which usually manifests as cold or flu-like symptoms, diarrhea or phlegm expulsion, or a short period where...