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Coming Apart: Re-establishing Strength, Integrity and Cohesion with Acupuncture

Much of what I see in my acupuncture clinic are people “coming apart.” To an acupuncturist this means losing access to our energy, vitality and internal resources. Not because of lack, but due to inability to access them. We become scattered. Our acupuncture channels which...

Detox and the Return to Innocence: Clearing Toxins with Acupuncture

There's a common term in acupuncture treatment: “the healing crisis." This is a rather dramatic name for a common, often mild occurrence. This “crisis” is a “detox period” which usually manifests as cold or flu-like symptoms, diarrhea or phlegm expulsion, or a short period where...

Healing Cultivation Practice: Acupuncture Points as Shamanic Allies

Self-cultivation is necessary for healing. It requires time, attention and the creation of relationship. Within the healing process, there is the very important relationship between the practitioner/healer and patient. The practitioner acts as the guide and the coach within the healing journey. From the central connection...