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Heartache, Disappointment, Depression: Soothing Heart Pain with Acupuncture

Loss and heartbreak are part of life. They can be accompanied by shock and surprise; even despair and alienation. Each of us must find a way to navigate periods of disappointment, loss, chaos, uncertainty and the sense of grief, anxiety and sadness these periods can...

Acupuncture as Preventative Medicine: Adjusting to Change

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that’s the most adaptable to change.” Charles Darwin. Chinese Medicine places strong focus on the theme of change and its effect on the human body and...

Healing Psychosomatic Symptoms Through Mindful Awareness and Acceptance

What does it take to really change? What’s required to break habitual patterns that make us unwell and unhappy? It’s easy to look out into the world and see what’s wrong with it. It’s easy to look at our past and identify what went wrong,...